Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Active Listening Can Do For You

In a world that is full of people trying to sale their ideas and products, too many internet marketers are focused on themselves. Have you ever considered taking a breather and listening to what someone else has to say? If not, do not fret because you are exactly like millions of other people.

Taking an active listening approach can do wonders for your business. In order to take this kind of an approach, you have to sit back and open up to other peoples ideas and opinions. This means throwing out the window any kinds of preconceived thoughts you have about what others are going to say.

There are several facets that contribute to you becoming a successful network marketer. But taking an active listening approach can help you bond with others and build the ever so crucial relationships needed to have success online.

I am sure that you focus primarily on what you can do to sale your product and how you can generate the highest traffic volume possible. This results in you selling your ideas to others and not listening to what others have to say. Of course the main way you are going to have success is by selling your own stuff. But taking the time to listen to others every once in awhile will give you an upper hand.

It is difficult to do at first because you have lived your entire life with reactive listening thoughts. It will take time, but try to listen to what others have to offer without creating your own thoughts and opinions inside your head. Disagreeing and prejudging prior to even hearing other peoples insights will get you nowhere with internet marketing.

I have touched on it briefly, but building relationships is the key to having success with network marketing. As soon as you have gained the trust from people, you will notice that they are much more inclined to listen to you. This is not to say that everyone will become a customer, but you will have a higher percentage of people stopping to listen to what you have to offer.

It may be clich, but building a professional relationship only lasts as long as the transaction takes. Building a personal relationship on the internet can last forever. By opening your ears and listening to comments and suggestions that people have, you are opening you and your business up.

Becoming an active listener is an uphill process that can have great rewards. At the bottom of the mountain you have to gain a strangers trust and respect. Once you have done this, you will move on to the friendship phase. And at the peak of the mountain you have a partnership that can last forever. By becoming an active listener, you can gain the trust of many people and build a plethora of partnerships.

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