Monday, February 23, 2009

Top 5 Ways To Attract Targeted Traffic To Your Website

While there are tens of ways to drive prospects to your websites only a few strategies work very well depending on the niche you have chosen. Not all traffic strategies will give the same results in bringing visitors to your website or rank your URL higher up in the search engines.Here are the top 5 ones that are guaranteed to bring in more targeted traffic and visitors to your websites quickly.Article MarketingThis is one of the best ways to drive visitors to your websites. Marketing your website using articles has been proven hands-down and the most marketers use this method. It is all about creating valuable information in the form of an article about your subject and submitting to leading article directories. People as well as search engine robots like useful content... and as result, you get a continuous stream of traffic and real visitors to your websites. You can write on your own or hire someone to do this for you.Forum marketingName a topic and you can find hundreds of discussion forums on the Internet. Whatever be your niche, there are at least a dozen forums where you can answer questions from people looking for solutions. While you are at it, you are allowed to mention your website URL and short description (call to action) in your signature. You get visitors and link popularity in the search engines.Free classifiedsNowadays, free classified ads have lost their significance. Due to being free, many people opt for this medium for placing ads, which results in ads getting unnoticed. But trying your luck is not a bad idea. Since it's free, placing a classified ad is good. Who knows, you might get a visitor. Also, getting a back link from a couple of those high PR classified sites will boost your search engine rankings, leading to a steady stream of visitors from the search engines.Press releasesDoes the world know about your website? Let everyone know and also get into the indices of top search engines by writing and submitting a press release about your new product or website to leading Press-Release Distribution networks. Believe me... this works!Submission to directoriesThere are hundreds of link directories that you can submit your website information to. However, I suggest you submit your website to only top, relevant directories and make sure that their PR is more than 3... preferably 5 or higher. You will get precious "one-way" back links that could drive your website URL higher up the search engine results page... resulting in targeted visitors to your site.

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