Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Year Email Marketing Resolutions

The New Year is here and youve probably made a few personal resolutions, but what about making some resolutions that will help you improve your email marketing? Heres our guide to the 6 marketing resolutions that will make a difference to your business in 2008.

1 Dont steal (do not buy/rent/sell lists)
Theres no other way to look at it buying, renting or selling lists is stealing other peoples time, and thats just not nice. In the email world it will also wreck your reputation with ISPs and subscribers, which will make it very difficult to get your emails delivered to the inbox. So, play nice and dont steal. Instead

2 Work to make new friends (grow your opt-in lists)
Its much better to make new friends instead. Make sure youve got an active acquisition program to get new people to opt-in to your mailing lists. You can start as simply as placing a form on your website and then build more involved programs from there.
3 Re-acquaint yourself with old friends (re-activate inactive subscribers)
Sometimes, relationships fade people stop responding to your emails and you lose their attention. Make a special effort to reconnect this year. Identify those people who havent opened or clicked on your emails in the last few months and send them an email to ask them to re-opt in. Remind them why youre in contact in the first place and give them a reason to pay attention. Dont be tempted to try and email people whove actively opted out though, thats stealing time again.

4 Be more interesting (work to create content that interests your subscribers)
With all these new friends, its important to have something interesting to say. Putting effort into creating interesting content that engages your audience will pay dividends. Not only will you get a better response from your current subscribers, youll also find you get more referrals.

5 Be less lazy (make sure to test campaigns properly before pressing send)
It can be tempting to get your campaign created as quickly as possible and then just press send. However, haste leads to mistakes, which can be embarrassing. Take a few minutes to thoroughly test your campaigns before sending.

6 Pay attention to others needs (target campaigns better)
Remember, friendship is about give and take. Make sure you pay attention to your subscribers needs. Identify whats of most interest to different groups and target your campaigns accordingly. Your email statistics will provide you with invaluable information here, so use them wisely.

The New Year is here and youve probably made a few personal resolutions, but what about making some resolutions that will help you improve your email marketing? Heres our guide to the 6 marketing resolutions that will make a difference to your business in 2008.

1 Dont steal (do not buy/rent/sell lists)
Theres no other way to look at it buying, renting or selling lists is stealing other peoples time, and thats just not nice. In the email world it will also wreck your reputation with ISPs and subscribers, which will make it very difficult to get your emails delivered to the inbox. So, play nice and dont steal. Instead

2 Work to make new friends (grow your opt-in lists)
Its much better to make new friends instead. Make sure youve got an active acquisition program to get new people to opt-in to your mailing lists. You can start as simply as placing a form on your website and then build more involved programs from there.
3 Re-acquaint yourself with old friends (re-activate inactive subscribers)
Sometimes, relationships fade people stop responding to your emails and you lose their attention. Make a special effort to reconnect this year. Identify those people who havent opened or clicked on your emails in the last few months and send them an email to ask them to re-opt in. Remind them why youre in contact in the first place and give them a reason to pay attention. Dont be tempted to try and email people whove actively opted out though, thats stealing time again.

4 Be more interesting (work to create content that interests your subscribers)
With all these new friends, its important to have something interesting to say. Putting effort into creating interesting content that engages your audience will pay dividends. Not only will you get a better response from your current subscribers, youll also find you get more referrals.

5 Be less lazy (make sure to test campaigns properly before pressing send)
It can be tempting to get your campaign created as quickly as possible and then just press send. However, haste leads to mistakes, which can be embarrassing. Take a few minutes to thoroughly test your campaigns before sending.

6 Pay attention to others needs (target campaigns better)
Remember, friendship is about give and take. Make sure you pay attention to your subscribers needs. Identify whats of most interest to different groups and target your campaigns accordingly. Your email statistics will provide you with invaluable information here, so use them wisely.

Copyright Matt McNeill 2008. All rights reserved.

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