Sunday, February 22, 2009

Enhance Your Sales by Using Music on Hold

Marketers along with the emerging technology have made immense growth. When combined both these bring great benefits and money gains. Hold time is like a gold mine in making connections with customers. A good promotional message which has been written with callers in mind has the ability to promote and sell the brand in hand and cope up with the services and the questions which are frequently asked.

The technique of music on hold is effortless, cost effective and easy to install within just few working hours. If we take a rough idea of the holding time then we conclude that the average holding time is about fifty seconds which is less than a minute. This enough is enough to tell the caller about the product and the services offered by the company. The music on hold messages is really a captivating concept. And it has been concluded from research that most callers want to hear something rather than observing silence. Music on hold message is typically four minutes in length. When written by professionals, the music on hold message features a well written, interesting and balanced blend of messages about the company along with the courtesy phrases which encourage the caller to keep on holding the phone. When professional announcers that is who have talent over the voice calls read these messages along with the specially edited music it gives a very good impression to the caller. But it has to be ensured that music is licensed.

There are organizations which like to play their own jingle along with the script when on hold while others like to play spoken customer testimonials. There are some companies which prefer to use some of their on hold messages to move their products. All on hold users agree with the fact that keeping their callers from hanging up is most important for them. The production from a good and right on hold production can do all this. The power of on hold can fetch more orders for a pizza house. Mind of an impulse buyer is required for this. Suppose if an impulse buyer calls a pizza house and he has thought of buying just a pizza for himself. But if he is kept on hold by the pizza boy for the time he takes orders of another caller. The first customer who has been put on hold and is hearing music on hold promo can in the mean time get attracted to a good offer on the cheese bread and can buy it along with pizza. Thus music on hold promotes sales for a pizza house. Credit for all this goes to music on hold services.

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