Sunday, February 22, 2009

Clark Kent

It seems as if lately we've seen a huge resurgence in the popularity of the comic book superhero. It could be attributed to many things, I suppose -- not the least of which being that we could all use a little super hero intervention these days. It got me to thinking -- even for those of us who may never have picked up a comic book, isn't it surprising the amount of "brand recognition" we have for the average superhero? And, how can we translate that technique into our own marketing plans?

Having a distinctive image, whether that be a big red "S", or a little black bat insignia -- plays a big part in your branding. When you are putting together your line, establishing your web presence, stationery, or even a business card -- you should be working within a consistent framework. Pick a color scheme, a font, a graphic, and use it consistently.

Why is this so important? Let me give you another practical example. Have you ever sent your spouse shopping for a product you regularly use -- only to find yourself providing the description of the packaging of the product, in addition to its name? Wouldn't it be great to have that kind of recognition with your own customers? We've all heard of the "rule of 7" in advertising -- think how much easier it will be to close that sale if during each of those seven times your prospect saw the same imagery.

I was reading an interesting news item this week in which a CEO noted that his company participated in many community events, and the company provided the employees with branded apparel (shirts, jackets, etc) to wear at these events. He noted that they gained a spike in business after each event -- and in many cases, prospects specifically cited the logo wear as the impetus for making contact.

Never fear -- you don't need to go into debt to create your own logo apparel. With the rise of such on-demand services as Cafe Press, you can print a myriad of items that feature your logo, and you can print as few as you need. Another great service,, offers fast and easy custom T-Shirt designs. With services such as these making branded wear more affordable, you may want to consider doing a little "super branding" of your own.

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