Monday, February 23, 2009

Marketing Product Life Cycle: Give Your Product A Great Start

When you extend your marketing product life cycle, you increase your profits. The longer life you infuse into each stage of your marketing product life cycle, the more money you make.Extra sales and profit can boost your business from a good one to a great one, or maybe even from failure to success.This article focuses on the first two stages of the marketing product life cycle because they represent birthing and growing your product.Introduction (Birth) Stage of Marketing Product Life CycleJust as a new born baby needs your constant attention, your new product needs constant marketing. It also demands time and money without returning much but dependence.When you have a new baby, you want to show it off. You want all your friends and family to observe how wonderful your new baby is. You should feel just as strongly about your new product.Your primary marketing goal at this stage of your marketing product life cycle is to build demand for your baby product and to recoup your research and development costs. But because your product is so young, it is not popular yet. Demand is low, while prices are usually at their highest in this stage.But you may want to keep prices low to encourage more people to discover your new product. Keeping prices low and offering promotions and incentives to attract initial customers helps you to attract your new product's greatest admirers and potential buyers. It separates them from everybody else and determines to whom you should direct your product's birth announcements.If you were sending birth announcements about a new baby, you'd send them to your friends and family because they are the people most interested. You should do the same for your new product. Direct your marketing messages about your new product to target market members. They are the people most interested and most likely to buy your product.After you have christened and promoted your baby product to the world, it's time to nurture your product's growth through childhood with a marketing growth spurt.Child or Growth of Marketing Product Life CycleIn this second stage, your product grows quickly because you market it to more distributors, retailers and customers.Continued marketing growth is required at this stage. Just as you support a child with lots of attention, love and care during childhood, you must support your product with enhanced marketing now.Your marketing goal at this stage of the marketing product life cycle is to introduce your child product to as many target market members as possible. You want them to see how your product can benefit them.To assure consistent and continued growth through this second stage of the marketing product life cycle, use market segmentation. It helps your product grow by:discovering more target markets for the product, differentiating potential retail partners to determine those providing the best fit with the product and determining the best geographic areas for new growth and the best distributors to reach those areas.ConclusionThe marketing product life cycle only provides a model of how products and your marketing should grow. Products move through the cycle differently, just as children advance through life differently.But unlike a child, you want your product to spend as much time as possible in the growth and following stages.Market segmentation can extend the marketing product life cycle and the total life of your product.Information revealed through market segmentation, improves your marketing through each stage of the marketing product life cycle.

In This Competitive Market Environment, Idea Generation Tactics

In this competitive market environment, idea generation is enhanced by three primary tactics. These tactics involve relaxation, interaction, and integration.Marketing is the first line of business for anyone who is self-employed. If you don't market well, you'll soon be looking for another employer.In today's competitive environment, it's hard to come up with new marketing ideas. Most marketing tactics are used over and over to the point that they are stale.When you spend all your time and mental energy on running your business, it's difficult to generate new marketing tactics. This article provides you with three ways to refocus your creativity and boost your marketing.In This Competitive Market Environment, Idea Generation Through Relaxation:If you are so busy running your business that you don't take time to do what relaxes you, then you are robbing yourself of new ideas that your subconscious wants to reveal.Worry and stress hinders your subconscious, but you can free its creativity by relaxing. So what relaxes you?I know that being outside relaxes me. So when I have a concern that my conscious mind can't seem to solve, I go outside. Trees, flowers, butterflies and birds reduce my stress, enabling my subconscious to work on the concern. It often provides me a solution in minutes.You need to relax if you want to generate ideas. So what relaxes you? Is it rocking a child, tinkering with your car, or just laying in the sun? Do it and you'll reap the rewards, as your relaxed conscious mind listens to your subconscious speak its creative ideas.Another way to channel your subconscious mind to give you innovative ideas is to go to bed with a concern for which you need a solution. Don't worry about it and keep yourself awake. Just tell your subconscious, "Tonight I need your help with ..."If you've never attempted to channel your subconscious mind before, it may take you awhile to get the ideas you seek. But be prepared with paper and pencil to write down the idea because it will eventually come if you continue the process.If you don't make a note of the idea when it comes, you may not remember it to implement it. It would be a shame to loose it.You don't want to loose any idea that could give you an advantage in this competitive market environment. So employ your subconscious mind to be your idea generator. It works cheaply, but provides great value.In This Competitive Market Environment, Idea Generation Through Interaction:The interacting process has long been accepted as a good idea-generating technique. From biblical times to the present mastermind trend, you'll find that many tactics for creating good marketing ideas include the interaction of two or more people.Many methods are available to harness the power of people working together to resolve a concern.Sometimes, using interaction is as simple as finding a good listener and telling them about your concern and what you see as possible solutions. Sometimes you speak great ideas, surprising yourself that they just came from your lips.In this competitive market environment, everyone in your business should be involved in creating solutions to business problems. Everyone brings a different perspective to the table. When all these perspectives come together in a safe environment to focus on marketing, creative ideas almost always surface.In This Competitive Market Environment, Idea Generation Requires Integration:The third major way to generate more and better marketing ideas is through integration.If you never look beyond your own business or industry for marketing ideas, you're cheating yourself of many good ones that you can easily adapt. But to do so, you have to know what other industries and businesses do to market themselves.Attending meetings where different types of businesses come together provides you with ample opportunity to learn the creative marketing ideas that other business owners use. Chamber of Commerce and similar meetings are as good for learning from each other as from formal presentations.You can also get loads of marketing ideas from a swipe file. Save all advertisements, publications, direct mail promotions and notes on broadcast commercials in this file. Then look at these items when you need inspiration for your marketing.Now don't let the term "swipe" mislead you. You don't duplicate the ideas. That would be stealing. But you specifically adapt ideas that you like for your business.Today's competitive market environment requires new innovative ideas. If your marketing is to be successful, you should constantly be seeking creative marketing ideas.Concluding RemarksRelaxation, interaction and integration enhance your ability to generate creative marketing ideas. So make it a point to regularly use all three, and you'll find that even in this competitive market environment, idea generation becomes a part of your regular routine.

Slowcooker Recipes: Easy on Your Schedule and Budget

Preparing delicious, home cooked meals can be difficult to work into today's busy schedules. One of the easiest ways to combat the dinner time rush is by relying on slowcooker recipes. Using your slowcooker creates tasty, nutritious meals that are a breeze to make and budget friendly as well.It's not uncommon for today's busy parents and professionals to have a mere 30 minutes between arriving home and dinner time. That doesn't leave a lot of prep and cooking time for that night's meal. Imagine how stress free it would be to come home and have the delicious aroma of a ready meal to greet you at the door. That's what slowcooking does.Prepping slowcooker recipes takes, on average, very little time. Simply cut up your ingredients, place them in the slowcooker's pot and leave it to simmer and cook all day while you get on with your daily activities. Don't have time in the morning? Prep your meal the night before, refrigerate overnight and turn it on in the morning as you're heading out the door. When you arrive back home your delicious meal is ready when you are. Another advantage to cooking with a slowcooker is the process' ability to turn cheaper cuts of meat into tender, delicious meals. When grilling or frying you often have to choose more expensive, marbled cuts of meat to avoid a brick-like outcome. A slowcooker, so named because it cooks meats over a longer period of time at lower temperatures, breaks down tougher connective tissues and delivers premium meals at rock bottom prices.Every time you throw away leftover foods you're throwing money in the garbage. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to quickly and easily reuse those leftovers in a future meal and save money on your grocery bill? With slowcooker recipes it's simple to use leftover roasts, steaks, rice or even vegetables. Make a stew with your leftover pot roast, throw pre-ccoked vegetables in a few minutes before serving to reheat them and the cost of that night's dinner became pennies a serving. For leftover rice use it to make stuffed green peppers that is both healthy and inexpensive thanks to the reuse of leftovers.Slowcooker recipes are an excellent way to take the stress out of dinner time and reduce your grocery bill. With a little preparation ahead of time your family can enjoy healthy and hearty meals with minimal work for you. Now's that's a cooking method worth trying.Beef Stew in the Slowcooker: 2 pounds fresh stewing beef or leftover roast, cut into 1-inch cubes 4 carrots 3 potatoes 1 medium onion, chopped 1 celery stalk, sliced cup flour tsp. pepper tsp. salt 1 garlic clove, minced 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 cups beef broth 2 tbsp. HP sauce 1 tsp. Paprika Place your cubed meat into the slowcooker. Mix flour, pepper and salt together and pour the mixture over the meat to coat thoroughly. Then add the remaining ingredients. Stir together well. Place the lid on your slowcooker and cook on low for 10 to 12 hours or, if rushed, 4 to 6 hours on high heat. Stir well before serving your stew.

Best Leads For PowerBizBuilder

There are many quality companies that produce products and provide income opportunities to the public. PowerBizBuilder is one of those good companies and to have a business opportunity with them would be a good idea if the company had a good prospecting plan in place. The last thing you want to have happen is that you end up with the sole responsibility of building your business through leads.I personally don't want to call allows me to buy cusomers not leads. When anyone decides to join a MLM or Network Marketing Company they are hoping that they will be able to create additional streams of income. They pour their heart and soul into the new business only to find out that they had to sell the products to others and then also convince people to join their organization.You can buy several thousand to tens of thousands of leads for a couple of hundred dollars to upwards of thousands of dollars. The new business person resorts to purchasing leads that have been called many times and don't want to hear from someone else about another vitamin or duplicated product. These leads have been pretty much picked over but even if they aren't once you get the lead, you still have to call them and sell them on your business. Think about it! If a lead was so good why would the lead companies sell them for peanuts. The leads that have been purchased are tired and sold over and over again.So when you buy the list you are not getting a quality name but a name that has a history of being sold over and over again to unsuspecting people who are trying to build a business. I have done it and don't like it! I have heard stories of people being hung up on, cursed at, and had to listen to people tell then that they wish they could get off the list that is being sold. I don't like to call anyone and try to sell them to come into my business. That is why I buy customers and not leads. I don't like to call anyone and try to sell them to come into my business.I get business proposals that come across my desk all the time, Most of them are the same old thing, from clients wanting me to invest in their business, or to look at it, and give them my feedback. A lot of times they want me to invest with them. Usually when they want my feedback they are really looking for me to read it and get excited about their business. They are opportunities that require massive amounts of buying leads and phone work. I don't want to call anyone and try to convince them to join a business that I know will not produce the promises that were made. When I see this I stay away from these.The one that got my attention! Although I read the business proposals out of courtesy I don't recommend them, until I got one that got my attention. This one was different and had a totally unique business model. It was a Nutraceutical Company that had a whole new approach to the MLM and Network Marketing Industry. I looked at the products and saw that they were powerful and promoted wellness. Although many others did too this company was unique in that it promoted Wellness and Wealth together. As I kept reading I saw what really triggered my mind, and made me realize that this is a totally different approach and that no other MLM company had anything like it. I could not find anything like this on the internet except the company proposed in the plan. What was this unique concept, buying customers.I called several people to verify the information and then I talked to a person who had been doing it for a while and they confirmed the information. I crawled the website and read everything that I could trying to find out if I was looking at this in the wrong way. I kept reading and learned that this company has the unique ability to sell direct to the consumer and then once the consumer buys the product they sell it to the Business Affiliate. No phone calls to leads who don't want to be called, all you do is purchase the customer from the company and get the commissions. had never heard about buying customers and so I wasn't sure that I was reading it correctly.You join the above business and I will show you exactly what you need to do to become successful with this business. You see, you must have a business that everyone needs. There really is a secret to successfully promoting a home business on Google, and as you can tell, I am very good at what I do. I will share insider secrets to promoting successfully on Google, Yahoo, MSN, and all the other major search engines. I will give you specific instructions on exactly how to accomplish what you want to accomplish on the net. I will give you specific instructions on exactly how to accomplish what you want to accomplish on the net. You must learn to develop that business in such a way that people find your information, just like you have found mine. You must realize that in order to make money fast, you must be equipped with the business plan, training and mentoring that will lead to that success. Without this, you are going to be just another sad statistic of the mass of people that just do not understand how to market successfully on the net.This is a new innovation that has been around for almost ten years but as it catches on it will drive the other MLM or Network Marketing Companies wild because they can't compete. Many producers are already looking at this model and planning on leaving their existing companies. I said "This is like an investment." I keep reading and trying to find the flaws but none. So I went to a meeting at and listened to Tom Prendergast talk about how he has gotten increased results every month for seven years. In other words his check has gone up every month since he started simply by buying customers. But just think you can never lose your customers since they are customers and not someone's downline. This makes your business stable and solid. It will pull their producers away from them since no one likes to make unnecessary phone calls. In other words his check has gone up every month since he started simply by buying customers.Wishing you Great Success in 2008 Wayne Harrold, MBA, SEO-Master (330) 232-3314 Skype ID: wayne_gold

Fresh Shrimp Gives You Options

You should prefer to eat shrimp that is fresh as it is both healthy and delicious. You can use it to prepare any dish. Shrimp can be eaten with pasta salad, slaw or as an appetizer. It turns out to be a pleasing snack when served with lemon juice and cocktail sauce.Maine is known for the best seafood. Smoked Maine shrimp is also found there. Shrimp can be eaten in number of ways. It can be barbequed, prepared with sauces or can be served cooked and cold. But if you want to eat it differently you can try a totally new method yourself or look for an exceptional shrimp recipe.Shrimp is used in seafood dishes along with other fish and shellfish.For instance, fresh shrimp makes a wonderful addition to stews, soups and Cioppino. Rubbed with Cajun spices, shrimp makes excellent Creole meals such as Jambalaya The opportunities when cooking with fresh shrimp are truly endless.Shrimp is used in Mexican dishes, as well. It puts a healthy spin on fajitas, tacos and burritos. It adds a fresh, light flavor not found in traditional, heavier meats. Italian restaurants use shrimp in dishes such as scampi, linguine and tortas. Thai dishes add coconut juice, peanut oil and lime to shrimp to create exotic-tasting meals.Free shrimp and smoked Maine shrimp are both tastier and healthy. These foods can induce to eat more whether it is brunch, lunch or dinner. Shrimp is a good food and satisfy any kind of diet due to its high protein and less calories. Shrimp can satisfy you whether you eat less or more.So you have have some fresh shrimp and do not know what to make? Thank goodness shrimp is very versatile. You don't have to make a large meal with multiple dishes, just make a shrimp cocktail. The best part is this is a very easy way to utilize the shrimp you have on had and it is also alot of fun. So don't worry about the large meal just relax and make a shrimp cocktail, afterwards not only will you be totally satisfied but it will have been alot of fun at the same time.Shrimp recipes can be found online or in cookbooks specializing in seafood cooking. There are so many ways to eat shrimp and create delightful, color-rich foods without having to learn an entire new way of cooking. But you don't need a recipe to make a great shrimp dish. Even if you have never cooked with shrimp before, you can easily learn to add it to your diet.That's the best thing about shrimp - even just sprinkling it atop a green salad makes an otherwise bland dish an exciting one!Making sure the shrimp you purchase has already had the shells removed as well as the veins removed is pretty important. Obviously this is something you could always do yourself, but it really is more work that you think. It takes time and when you want to have a tasty fresh shrimp treat you want it to be both easy and quick.Most people are trying to make their lifestyles healthier. If eating healthy is important to you then adding shrimp to the mix is a great idea. Not only are shrimp low in fat, they literally have none on them! This is a very lean and clean meal indeed. Add shrimp to your diet to help fortify a healthy lifestyle.Remember that if fresh shrimp isn't readily available in your area, you can always visit a reputable online vendor on the internet and have some sent to you overnight. Typically shrimp that you find either in a grocery store or from an online seafood vendor has already been cooked. Once they have been cooked they will then flash freeze the shrimp and package them for shipping.

Tips For Cooking Venison Meat

Many people are afraid to try venison meat because they don't know how to prepare it. Believe it or not, venison is actually pretty simple to cook. All you really need to know are just a few basics before you begin. If you're like many people, once you've tried venison meat that has been properly prepared, you will start looking for other ways to prepare it.Some claim that anythiing you do with beef can be done with venison. While this is partially true, there a few things to keep in mind. Venison meat is actually quite lean so you will probably need to add some liquid or fat when cooking. One option is to simply mix one part ground venison meat with one part hamburger for recipes such as meatballs. The tastes are similar so this is a good way to introduce venison meat to your picky eaters.Since you probably already have several favorite beef recipes, you're already on your way to using venison meat. Not only is it a good beef substitute because the taste is comparable, but it is also a healthier choice since it is usually leaner than beef. From my experience, however, you may need to add a little more seasoning with venison than you would with beef to combat the somewhat gamey flavor it may have.Another difference with venison comes with steaks. When preparing these, you must make sure to marinate them. If you don't, they may turn out hard or even stringy. Any beef marinade should work, just let the venison marinate for about forty-eight hours.Do you like barbeque? Well, venison meat can be used for that too. Just take a venison roast, put it in a crock pot and cover it with barbeque sauce. Allow the roast to cook all day on a low setting. Once it's tender and cooked through, use a fork to shred the meat or cut it into small chunks. If you see any fat in the meat-- it will have a somewhat silver appearance to it-- make sure you cut that out. It isn't something many people enjoy eating.Of course, venison meat can be used alone, or if it's ground, it can be combined with beef to stretch out the latter. Though chances are if you have a hunter in the family, once you get adjusted to the taste of venison you may stop buying beef altogether. When someone brings home a whole deer, you definitely get more bang for your buck than buying that much beef (pun intended).There are quite a few benefits to using venison meat, both financial and health related. Of course the lean meat is a better choice than beef, but you also know that it's probably fresher than what you can buy in the store. We've all wondered at some point or other how long that ground beef has been sitting on the shelf in the meat aisle. With venison, you probably have a good idea of exactly when the meat was processed. Not to mention buying store-bought meat that is free of hormones and antibiotics will cost you a pretty penny.It might take your family a few trys to get used to the taste of venison. However, this really is one of those things that will pay off down the road. The next time someone wants to give you some venison meat, go ahead and take it. In fact, take as much as they are willing to share and do a little experimenting with your own recipes. You and your family may just find a new favorite!

How to Make Beef Jerky

History has proven that beef jerky is one of the most popular foods made by our ancestors. There have been new methods like freezing chemicals. People still like the flavor and ease of beef jerky which is mostly made from beef but has been recently added to by other flavours such as camel. When making jerky all the fat and moisture must be removed, jerky is in general a very good source of energy. Some times these benefits are offset by the many chemicals added by some jerky businesses. To your own health jerky follow these steps 1. SChoosing the leanest beef cuts will give you the best jerky lean beef will save you time. 2. Slice your beef in strips less than 3.2 mm thick (1/8 ich) 3. To make slicing easy partly freeze your meat and slice at that temperature. 4. Trimming all the fat is required because fat does not freez and this will ruin your jerky. 5. While you can use the ingredients of your choice, the traditional is marinade in vinigar and sea salt in your fridge up to 24 hours. 6. Coat the meat with seasoning of your choice (sometimes this does make the jerky sticky) please experiment 7. You Dehydrate meat by having gaps between the slices to promote air flow. If using dehydrators use spray on the racks to make them non stick. Set ovens at 70 c allow preheating. Meat isn't meant to cook it is simply in there to dry out. 8. The next step is watching most times this take 7 to 13 hours, check your jerky regularly until its consistency is what you are looking for. 9. To keep your jerky fresh keep it in a frige or freezer until needed. Eat home made jerky in one week of preparation for best results , but don't forget many of the products made today by beef jerky companies is just as good as home made stuff.