is a free classifieds site where buyers and sellers alike can browse and post for free. Once you enter the site there are many categories that you can look for goods and services in. If you are looking for a car, a pet, a job, or a date, you can find it at The categories are neatly arranged and they include sub categories which you can look through. You can filter your search by adding a key word or price range. Many of the posts on products contain images which you can look through. Many of the posts contain details about the product and details about when it was posted. If you are interested in the product or service you can contact the seller by email. Besides having many categories to look through there are many locations that you can visit. Besides featuring most US cities there are some international locations as well. Find a bargain or sell your products at is exactly that, a project. There is no income generation and there is no business model. There is just a vision, a passion and a bunch of goals. For a start, we have a very long list of technical stuff we want to roll out over the next 12 months. Our mission is to try and establish an online brand classifieds ads and to grow some critical mass in the classifieds space. It is not an easy task as the competition is intense and our time and resources are limited. But we are having fun and we are meeting our deadlines, well, almost (we keep coming up with new features to add all the time).
Easy to use has an organized interface. The site is easy to navigate become all of the information is sorted into categories. The calendar feature is useful so that users can see when upcoming events are and they can add events of their own for the community to see. All the posts contain detailed information on how you can contact the seller and information on the product and service. features many different cities and countries, but many of these countries do not have any content. Hopefully as the site becomes more popular, there will be more content for international locations. It would be great if you could bookmark posts that interest you, so you can easily find them when you revisit the site.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
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