Monday, February 23, 2009

Use the Internet to Know your Market

In the process of shopping, chatting with friends, or finding answers to their questions online, people reveal a lot of information about their spending habits. Finding this information is an important way to develop prospects using the internet. This phenomenon has even led to some businesses spend a larger part of the budget on internet ads than on traditional media outlets.Consumers may not realize that their complaints are being heard more than ever today. By blogging or posting comments on forums, people's concerns, recommendations, and praise are being viewed by makers of the products they comment on. For example, joining a forum like GreenDads would allow you to listen in on discussions about parenting kids in an eco-friendly way.A less direct, but more revealing approach is to get the latest opinions from people themselves. Reading blogs and forums is a great way to find out what people are recommending to one another regarding your types of products. This requires that you continuously check for updates and seek out the most popular online communities in your market.Watching for a leader to emerge in the group is another way to gather information. Often one person gains respect from other members and his opinion is heavily weighted. He can be the most valuable resource, as the other members will almost always defer to him in certain matters.While regularly visiting the right online communities keeps you in the loop, you can also pay for survey reports. These services collect information for you in a variety of ways. These reports can be used to identify potential customers and to up-sell existing ones based on the details gathered about people's spending habits.Aside from subscribing to the appropriate online communities for your market, and looking at survey results, search engines are also great tools to stay in touch with consumer buzz surrounding market trends. By using a major search engine as a consumer would, a business owner can simply type in common search terms to pull up listings for organic baby food in the Phoenix area, for example.Buyers and sellers can use these results in the same way. If you are looking for places that might be willing to carry your baby sling, you now have a great start. You will also gain access to any reviews or complaints about baby slings that appear in the search results.Information such as customers' lifestyles, preferences and buying habits are available 24/7 to savvy business owners. The trick is to access this wealth of data on a regular basis. In this way, your research will translate into a more profitable company.

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