Sunday, February 22, 2009

Improving Your Visits and Visitors

The best time to begin marketing you webpage is immediately. The first choice in methods is to optimize your webpage.
First get quality links and as many as you can that refer to your site. Link exchanges may be helpful and article submissions with your link in the article as well. This method is a free method that gives you maximum number of leads that are quality and relate to your page and product or service.
The other free method with search engines that I recommend is making sure your site uses meta tags, and keywords in the meta tags that refer to the page, the robots love a properly filled meta tag page as well as links.
While there are many more ways to get visitors such as Traffic Exchanges and dozens of others, links and keywords, and meta tags, are the most important for search engine ranking. As I mentioned Traffic Exchanges is another free way, as is article submissions for links, and don't forget the old fashioned word of mouth, business cards, flyers, posters, and classified ads.
If you do these methods faithfully and consistently you will increase the visitors and quality of visits to your page.
Copyright 2007

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